Aquarius & Pisces Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aquarius & Pisces Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aquarius & Pisces Trust

Trust is the most important issue for this couple and it can go from one extreme to another. Depending on the state of their intimacy, they could end up covered in lies or completely free of them. Aquarian nature can be a bit aggressive from time to time and their personal rebellious needs don’t actually help Pisces feel secure enough to share intimate thoughts. The potential emotional dependency of Pisces can make Aquarius partner give in to their perfect lying skills in order to feel freer.
The only way they can build unconditional trust is to use their ability to feel each other’s true core. If Pisces understand the soft side of Aquarius, the one that lies far beneath the surface, they won’t run from telling the truth. When intimacy is found, Aquarius will finally be able to stop running away from commitment and the problem with the lack of freedom will be automatically solved.