Sagittarius & Pisces Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Sagittarius & Pisces Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Sagittarius & Pisces Communication and intellect

When we rule out emotional and physical sides of their relationship, a Sagittarius and a Pisces partner will be best friends, almost inseparable, for a while. There is no way to determine how long their relationship will last, and unless supported by fixed signs in their personal charts, they will rarely stay in it for long.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and traditionally so is Pisces. This is the biggest planet in the Solar system and as such, it has a great influence on the personality of these signs. They will share the same optimism, the same vision and pretty much the same delusions. These partners will be linked through extremely beneficent influences and they will most certainly share the same sense of humor, operate at the same speed and learn a lot from each other for however long they are together. Jupiter is a planet of knowledge, and they will be fascinated by the unknown they can share with each other.
In time, they will realize what their differences are in the most unusual way. Sagittarius is a sign of convictions and will be more rational and reliable than their Pisces partner. At some point Sagittarius will start to form a distance because of expectations that haven’t been met and the irresponsible, detached behavior of their Pisces partner. In return, Pisces will have a simple feeling that this is no longer where they want to be. Both of them might never understand why, but they will simply separate with no ill intentions, and probably not much anger or hurt. The beginning of their separation lies within disrespect of each other’s convictions and personalities.