Sagittarius & Pisces Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Sagittarius & Pisces Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Sagittarius & Pisces Emotions

Their relationship will be an emotional rollercoaster for both partners, but it will rarely last very long. The relationship they will build through communication and understanding of each other’s worlds will awaken emotions through excitement and the unexpected. They will laugh with each other with open hearts and share wonderful emotions for as long as they are in the beginning of their relationship. As soon as any problems start to arise, they will both feel their emotions fade, as if the entire relationship was superficial.
Whatever the circumstances, it is important for both of them to remember that there is nothing superficial about this contact. The learning process and the beauty of their entire relationship shouldn’t be forgotten, but kept as a base for all of their future relationships. They love each other in a strange way, idealizing each other, getting disappointed, choosing to stay apart even when they wish to be together. This is a complicated emotional contact because both partners easily fall in love, and the deepening of their relationship can make them both be swept off their feet. If the relationship ends in a disrespectful way, they could both lose a bit of their faith in love.