Regardless of whether you are currently working from home or physically in the office, you will be extremely busy making contacts for your current work situation and future. The full moon on february 12 will help you meet new people that might benefit your professional future. They might even be former colleagues who are able to extend a helping hand in elevating your career. Be aware of their true intentions and faulty contracts at this time, as they might have ulterior motives (most of which you are unaware of at the moment). Don’t worry. All will come to light when mars ends its planetary moonwalk on the twenty-third.
another time to watch out for is the sun’s ingress into pisces on february 18. This will make financial matters a bit confusing. Seek guidance before agreeing to a price on a freelance gig or a raise at work. No one knows more than you not to settle for less than you are worth, and this is the time for you to demand more. Speak up freely and without hesitation. It’s your life, and you need to ensure that you are receiving the fair end of the deal. You should be on an equal playing field financially as the members on your team and your other colleagues.