The month starts with major drama with your coworkers, all of which will reach a boiling point when neptune connects with the north node on february 6. You’ll be given the choice as to how you’ll want to proceed. While taking the high road seems ethical and fair, you’ll be pushed to test the waters by taking the shady road.
don’t flirt with being unscrupulous, virgo. You’re better than that! And, to be honest, you know this. Be sure that you are well aware of every outcome before you begin to move into uncharted waters that will create professional issues for you in the future. This means no tattling on your colleagues, even if it feels well deserving.
the sun’s ingress into pisces on the eighteenth is allowing you to see your coworkers as your equals, making you regret and change your opinion from earlier in the month. You’ll be more inclined to make amends through hr and find your balance to move forward with the coworkers you had arguments with during the first two weeks of february. The new moon on february 27 is a sublime time to let bygones be bygones and start anew, as long as you all can leave the past behind you.