Love can be a daring adventure in february, especially when venus enters aries on the fourth. Passion knows no distance, so there’s a strong possibility of meeting someone on your travels. Follow your heart. Get social when jupiter turns direct on february 4. A friend might know the perfect person for you.
be bold and plan a first date right before valentine’s day during the full moon in your sign on the twelfth. Show off your charm and dazzle your date. Trust your gut on valentine’s day when mercury enters pisces on february 14. Intuition can guide you through love affairs, leo, and the right words can create a strong bond.
relationships can change your life when the sun enters pisces on the eighteenth. This is a great time to take a relationship to the next level and get intimate. Your best date night will be when juno enters sagittarius on february 20. Relationships become playful as you leap into love affairs.
let go of any emotional baggage when mars turns direct on the twenty-third. You’ll need to move on if you want to fall in love. Relationships take on new depths during the pisces new moon on february 27. An emotional connection can lead to deeper intimacy.