You’re starting the new year deeply attached to a lover as venus enters pisces on january 2. A kiss at a new year’s eve party can lead to major fireworks. However, make sure you’re not moving too quickly as mars retrograde reenters cancer on the sixth, encouraging you to pump the brakes. It’s easy to get obsessive right now, aquarius.
now that we’re in a new year, it’s time to finally block those lingering exes when mercury enters capricorn on january 8. Show a date some love through acts of kindness during the cancer full moon on the thirteenth. They’ll really appreciate it.
get ready to let your freak flag fly for the rest of the month as the sun enters your sign on january 19. This is a great time to put yourself out there, because you’ll have the confidence to shoot your shot or tell a lover what you truly desire.
make the first move when mercury enters your sign on the twenty-seventh. You’ll have the energy and drive for witty banter to spark your interest. Plan a first date on january 29. The new moon in your sign will help you make a great first impression.