Start february, the shortest month of the year, by putting yourself out there when venus enters aries on the fourth. This is a great time for romantic weekend getaways, flirting with strangers, and going on blind dates. You’ll have plenty of luck in the dating department when jupiter turns direct on february 4. Enjoy!
valentine’s day comes early, aquarius, because your best date night will be during the leo full moon on the twelfth. This is a great time to take relationships to the next level and even find your better half. Just do it with passion. Invest in your relationships when mercury enters pisces on february 14. Don’t waste your time with someone you don’t see a future with. Don’t forget about your self-esteem when the sun enters pisces on the eighteenth. Having standards can help you avoid potential red flags. You might even find yourself falling for a friend when juno enters sagittarius on february 20. End february by focusing on self-care when mars turns direct on the twenty-third. It’s key for a healthy relationship. Treat yourself you and your lover to something new during the pisces new moon on february 27. It could lead to pleasure.