The month begins on a flirtatious note during the scorpio new moon on november 1. You might get into some witty banter while running holiday errands. However, if you have a cuffing season buddy in mind, lock it down when mercury enters sagittarius on the second. You might get a flash from relationships past when mars enters leo on november 3. Rekindle an old flame or block them. Your best date night will be when venus enters capricorn on the eleventh, heating up your love life. This is a great time for a love affair to keep you going, virgo. Plan one last fall date during the taurus full moon on november 15. This is a great time to go on a fall getaway with your lover or meet their family for the first time. Especially if you’re looking to put down roots with someone special when the sun enters sagittarius on the twenty-first. Consider making it official. Unfortunately, if you’re single, you might find yourself in a dating rut during the mercury retrograde on november 25. Don’t be afraid to ask your family for dating advice during the sagittarius new moon on the thirtieth. They might have some unique insights.