The end of winter can burn with intense passion in february when venus enters aries on the fourth. You’re ready to take things to the next level, so your dating life will be reborn. Relationships can succeed when jupiter turns direct on february 4.
however, take some time for yourself during the leo full moon on the twelfth. Look at what needs to heal in your life and what drama needs to end. Spend valentine’s day sealing the deal with a lover when mercury enters pisces on february 14. This is a great time to ask someone out or take a relationship to the next level.
your best date night comes after valentine’s day, when the sun enters pisces on the eighteenth. Use this energy to build harmony in your relationship and build a spiritual connection. If you’re single now, virgo, you won’t be for long. However, remember to keep your private life private when juno enters sagittarius on february 20. Putting down roots is a special thing.
spring comes early when mars turns direct on the twenty-third, and you’re ready to flirt in different social circles. End february with romance during the pisces new moon on february 27. Life is too short to go it alone.